“There’s mercy to be found at the bottom of a glass.” Not sure what that line means, I just wrote it. * * * And that’s about as articulate as I’ll get today.
I will be flicking through old photos and I think, “Wow – my son does resemble me a little.” He’s not pure Adam after all.
We held an intimate, but nevertheless fun, Halloween party on Saturday night. Here are some of the photos: Adam drew some scary pictures which we hung on the wall. I made Halloween cupcakes (and by the way, since when did red and yellow make a funny shade of pink? No matter how I tried they…
Earlier this week I got sick of lugging around my handbag without really even knowing what was inside anymore. My shoulders hurt. So I tipped it out and sorted through the contents. * One bottle of water (almost empty) * One black moleskine 2008-2009 diary * One Barbie wallet (almost falling apart) and loose change…
I have never been sentimental when it comes to cutting my son’s hair. It’s always been a case of buzz cuts all round, please. The shorter the better. In fact, that inserted link points back to the last time Riley had a haircut. I’ve avoided giving him one this year. At first it was because he simply…
I’m keeping the photo-heavy, content-lite direction of the blog this week; not intentionally though, for I have a lot to say, just not enough time to write. Besides that, my brain is quite full of my offline projects. However my grandparents (Hi Nan! Hi Pop!) are quite keen to see how my garden planting went…
This was our vegetable garden in May: This is the garden now: As you can see, Melbourne’s recent good rainfall has spurred on a typical springtime growth I no longer dared to believe in. If you click through to Flickr it will show the notes I’ve made on the pictures, but here’s a brief rundown:…
Judging from the books about blogs and the Internet*, you can probably tell I’m still pondering this subject a week after asking you all what you thought about an Australian Blogging Conference? By the way, on that thought, I’d like to thank you all for getting back to me with your ideas and comments on…
First, an apology for the erratic site behaviour in the past 36 hours. My DNS hosts were fighting off alien attacks, or something. Never mind, we’re back now! ****** Oxfam had its annual book sale in my area last Saturday, and we trudged along as usual to squeeze past many many others to see what…