So, how many shoes do you own?

The other day I posted this update on Twitter: My husband has just counted all the pairs of shoes I own. Apparently, I have 23. He thinks this is a VERY large number. What say you? Here are some of the replies I got: * @Saresa – meh, it’s a perfectly respectable size. I have about…

6 Recent StumbleUpon Favourites

*  The Secrets to Women’s Handbags – 50 women spill out their handbags to be judged. * Weird Japanese Inventions – need I say more? * Detailed Starship Comparison Chart – not only for Sc-Fi lovers out there. I reckon Riley would like this on his wall. * Man Decorates His Basement With $10 worth of…

The tinkling bells of my uncouthness

Nothing says “Life Bites Back At Absent Mother” more than having my daughter getting sick this week, nay, at the very hour of our reunion in the city on Sunday. With all the Swine Flu flyers plastered up over the public toilets in the city, I admit I got a little paranoid, but no fear,…