Category: Travel

Things to do at the Central Coast and Newcastle
If you’re on the M1 travelling south, you might be in a hurry to reach the lights of Sydney; going north, you might be off to the beaches of northern NSW. But to bypass the Central Coast is to risk missing out on its many delights. Even though I’ve been to the Central Coast many…

Living List News – Visit Gallipoli
It had been a stressful week. That Friday was the deadline for two – significant – literary competitions I had been working on my manuscript really hard to meet, but I had fallen short of finishing. So I was deliberating on the wisdom (or madness) of submitting what I had done in the hopes that…

Missives from the Sun
Sand-crusted and mellowed, I’ve sat down to try and write over the past few days and quickly abandoned these attempts. I sense the words have been spat out in the froth of the surf, subconsciously deemed inadequate – even unnecessary – as I’ve sat upon the warmed rocks, content just in absorbing the elements….