Category: Writing & Creativity

The Best of 2019 – A Retrospect
Hoi An Another year (almost) over, can you believe it? Nope, me either. Which means, among other things, it’s time for my annual ‘year that was’ recap – full of the good, bad and in-between. Let’s get started and I’ll go into more detail. As ever, I’ll break this down into categories. Work This is…

Update Time
Friends, If you’re reading this direct on/from the blog, take one last long look around. If you’re reading via RSS or email, click on through to get that final glimpse. Because all going well, this will be my last update before we push the button on the all-new, snazzy website. My current and traditional (cough…

13 Year Blog Anniversary
There are parts of the early days of parenting that can’t be easily forgotten. Take my second born, for example. Riley was an infamously picky eater, and I mentioned this here on the blog on occasion. Cheese, plain pasta, tomato sauce, yoghurt and potatoes (fries) were his five staples. And even then not always. January…