Strange but true

When I was a child I often wondered if cars got sad when they were left out in the rain. After all, humans don’t like it much so why should cars? I used to watch the water dribble away from underneath the engine and consider it to be the bleeding wound of neglect or unfair…

Who can resist a book meme?

I first saw this meme over at Constance’s Ruminations blog, and as I haven’t done a meme in a while I thought I’d give it a go. Apparently the BBC believe most people have read only six (any six, I think) of the 100 books on the list below. Well, I’ll show them! So here goes!…

Where I was yesterday…at Overland

My poem “The blog of my enemy is failing” was featured yesterday over at Overland. I will be posting there occasionally over the course of the Overload Poetry Festival, talking about poetry (from the perspective of the ‘newb’ I consider myself to be) and I will also be attending some of the events. It is a…