Karen: I was watching a television show the other day which said the average male has sex 100 times a year. Adam (with dazzling mental speed): That’s once every three and a half days. Karen: Yeah, well, anyway, it was also said that if the total amount was increased then his life expectancy will in all…
Damn right I do. Amazing what happens when you Google a riddle to find it’s location on one of the scenarios. Score! Yes, I am one of those people who when faced with a choice: give up or cheat? I usually choose the latter…
I’ve always wanted a subscription to The New Yorker – so I got one. I realise I could have subscribed to two or three Australian literary journals/magazines for the same money, and perhaps I may next year. We’ll see how this goes. I read it from back to front. Don’t ask me why. ****** The…
I don’t have an annotated copy of Dracula. I have three or so regular editions of various ages. When I saw this in the bookshop the other week I grabbed it. Really interesting. Especially this: On page seven is a photo of the crime scene from Jack the Ripper’s fifth victim Mary Kelly. As my…
By buying a jumbo-sized family calendar – almost the size of my second born. That’s how. (You can tell we’ve gotten our camera back all fixed this week, can’t you? Let’s have three cheers for EXTENDED WARRANTY, baby!)
Keira very kindly (but without my sanction) decided to photo journal Riley’s haircut experience on Friday. There are about a dozen other photos on this theme: RILEY CRYING! RILEY RUBBING HIS EYES! CLOSE UPS OF THE HAIR ON THE FLOOR. IN THE SINK etc. I mightn’t have worried quite so much if I was doing…
Read / November 1st, 2008
Well, it’s Day #1 of NaBloPoMo, which means it’s November and my blogging workshop is just around the corner. It also means I’m trying to get my thoughts together on the subjects of writing and blogging. This is hard because I have no real fixed philosophy on either, as yet. I believe both spring from an unpredictable,…
Read / October 31st, 2008
This is the point where my husband will throw up his hands and say, “You want to know why you’re going to naturopaths and gulping down awful homeopathic tonics and food charting and a half dozen other things to stop-gap your body falling apart? It’s because you keep signing up for these sorts of things!”…