Read / March 11th, 2008
Not here, but elsewhere today.
If you have a spare five minutes or so, come on over and read my published short story over at Parenting Express.
Read / March 10th, 2008
365 x 2 = Riley
Update: Go on over to Kim’s for the next Surprise! feature! ****** To the boy who can sit at a table for an hour and push a grain of rice around the edge of a bowl, pushing, pushing, with no objective in mind, only to watch. To the boy whose dimple when you smile melts…
Family / March 9th, 2008
Having a movie cull
As I’ve been saying over this past week, we’re having a big clean-up. The other day I came across our old VHS collection hidden at the back of the cupboard. So the question is: do we chuck these out or keep them? I personally don’t like buying DVD replacements when there’s a perfectly functional video lying…