Project book – introducing my Illustrator!

It’s my great delight today to introduce to you the Illustrator for Surprise! – Kim Fleming Last weekend I finally got to meet up with Kim and I must admit I was so happy and relieved that we both have the same sorts of ideas for Surprise! I suppose because I wrote it and have…

WW – The war continues over the USA

I’ve mentioned this game before and now my son has discovered it. Although I’ve shot him here pointing at Arkansas, his favourite state is Washington. I guessed this because he walks around afterwards repeating: “Washington! Washington! Washington! Washington! Washington!” [For the Aussies out there, Washington is the orange state in the very top left corner…

Quick – HELP!

I think I’ve found nits (lice) in Riley’s hair. I’ve just doused us all in the hair treatment and they’ve screamed like hell. I’m about to toss our linens and things in the wash on a hot cycle. Oh, the pure humiliation of it all. What else do I do?!