
All day Wednesday Keira had been walking around saying she, “Had a secret.” Which would be okay, I guess, except that she wouldn’t tell me what it is, kept deferring when she would tell me: “I’ll tell you after lunch.” “I’ll tell you after preschool.” “I’ll tell you when dad gets home.” This was all…

Award Time

Leanne gave me this award during the week and her reasoning was, “I’m going to pass this on to the bloggers who make me feel more worldly for knowing them.” I’m touched that my Down-Underish-ness makes you feel that way Leanne, although I’m not sure I’m more ‘worldly’ than the next person! Now I guess I have…

WW – Riley, then and now

Riley as a newborn   Riley at one year, 22 and 1/2 months Sweet sadness, it is. So young, yet not a baby anymore.