Rather a glum sounding title, wasn’t it? So now you’re all thinking, “Uh-oh.” Of course I’m talking about how Keira went at Preschool in the end and the answer is a happy, “Pretty well!” Apparently she stopped crying almost right away, once she’d been distracted by the silkworm farm they’ve got running. Even later, she…
I really don’t like dwelling on negative things, here on the blog, or off. Lord knows, people have worse problems than I do. But when you leave your child, kicking and screaming, bashing the poor preschool teacher as she’s trying to hold her off you, well, that kind of sucks and I need to purge…
Keira has lovely hair. Correction: Keira has lovely hair when she lets me brush it. I, on the other hand, do not have particularly remarkable hair in any respect. Yes, it’s blonde, but blonde with a little chemical help these days. If you gathered all my hair up into a ponytail, and did the same with…
Update: You see, this is also why toy buying scares the crud out of me… This year, I’ve been having a bit of a dilemma when it comes to the prospect of Christmas Shopping. My dilemma is: I don’t want to do any. Actually, no, that’s not true. I don’t want to buy crap. Not that…
It was a lonely walk through the hospital wings by myself. I’d never been to this particular one, and I stood before all the signs and dutifully took in the directions to the place I needed to be; a medical tourist. I walked past the ICU waiting room, and there were a few people waiting…
Three teenagers slouch together at a railway station. Two girls and one boy, they laugh harshly and fiddle with their mobile phones while they wait for the train. A girl and the guy suddenly peel off and start kissing and hugging. The other girl turns her head away from the spectacle; a practised wallflower. Discreet….
It’s MRI day. I go to hospital soon. Nervous, dazed, afraid. Sedation? No, thanks. But it’s tempting to be a chemical dreamer. Claustrophobic? Aye. The stillness is nice–only until panic starts. Wish me luck!
What outing could be complete without facepaint? What outing could be complete without our son disowning us for an oversized orange Kangaroo? Good Times: Son riding a bike that is massively too big for him, and yet he does admirably well, and a daughter who seeks the seclusion of her chariot pram? There’s a few…
Well, it’s November 1st. What does that mean, apart from the start of NaBloPoMo? It means I’m putting together my Christmas Card list, of course! Last year, I put out the invitation to y’all out there. And I was repaid, nicely. I gave (and received in turn) cards from all over, as far off as…