A nice surprise
I’ve been writing a lot on Children’s Health lately. (If you’ve read my ‘Professional Me’ page, you’ll get a taste of what I mean). Of course, it seems like a perfectly obvious subject to find myself landed in, but even so, sometimes I find myself scratching my head because ten years ago I would’ve told…
13 ways to change the world without spending a cent
I have just finished reading this amazing book, perhaps you have heard of it – 365 Ways to Change the World. I urge everyone to go out and buy or borrow this because of its open optimism and generosity of hope. You finish and can’t help but be inspired. Even if you don’t, here are…
How It All Unfolded Yesterday
Rather a glum sounding title, wasn’t it? So now you’re all thinking, “Uh-oh.” Of course I’m talking about how Keira went at Preschool in the end and the answer is a happy, “Pretty well!” Apparently she stopped crying almost right away, once she’d been distracted by the silkworm farm they’ve got running. Even later, she…