Thanks to everyone for your patience

Hi everybody, got some favours to ask. First, I’m assuming because you’re reading this your a) webpage is loading okay or b) the RSS is also playing nicely. Let me know if you have any problems with loading, or basically any comments regarding the new look. I have to throw out a big thanks to…

Daily Snippet

I walk into the bathroom to see Keira standing up on the counter top, applying my lip gloss with practiced ease. Even better, she sees my reflection behind her and says casually, “Mum, can you pass me a tissue to blot out the lipstick?” May I say, it’ll be a relief once she turns three-and-a-half,…

Misc Mum responds to reader questions, on ‘that’ subject

Anonymous: “I am Bulimic, sometimes I’ll be ok but then something triggers it and it will start all over again. Thia has been going on for about 4 years now. Does it ever go away? or do some people control it better than others?” Anon, I hope you come back to read my reply. Here…