Getting in the spirit of the occasion

Karen: Do you want to get dressed up when we pick up the new Harry Potter book on Saturday morning? Would you like to be a wizard? Keira (wrinkling her nose): I don’t like wizards. I want to be a fairy. Karen (secretly dismayed, but putting on a brave face): How about you dress up…

So sad

Riley didn’t have a breastfeed tonight. I think the time has come to let nursing go. He is almost 16 months now. He did well; coped okay: until I’ve just put him down for bed and he’s realised I’m not joking. The chest patting and the groping weren’t a good enough hint. Sorry buddy, I’m…

Discuss here! Harry Potter #7- who will die?

I think it will be Voldemort; but that could be too obvious a choice, don’t you think? I think all this hoo-ha about it being Harry is just to put us readers off the scent. What do you think? Leave your opinion in the comments