Icky talk ahead – read at your own risk!!!
Yesterday, as if I had not enjoyed enough bounty, my uterus decided to give me a present I’d not received for 3 years, 10 months and 1 day. I got my period. I’d kind of expected it, but when it happened I was a little…stunned. I can’t help but be reminded of its (lack) of…
Happy Mothers Day
It’s 7.30am. Already I’ve: Had Keira say to me (completely unprompted) “Happy Mothers Day!” Seen Adam somehow mobilise himself out of bed (before the far more reasonable- and usual – time of 9am) with Riley and together they put a nice card into my hands. Been promised to get some “alone” time today while he…
Prospector Keira
Scene: Dinner Table Keira is eating quietly (for once) and mum is stealing a moment to flick through a magazine. Keira: Mum?Me (distracted):Hmm?Keira: I found a diamond!Me (grasping the words finally): WHAT? I look at my engagement ring quickly – no missing jewels. I look at Keira to figure out what she meant. She gives…