When sleep deprivation becomes a serious matter

It happened at 3.14pm. I called my mother – who lives in the next state – at work and asked (but silently pleaded) for her to come and help me for a few days next week. Although she is busy (it’s Ash Wednesday next week – or kick-off for Christianity’s 40 Day countdown to Easter,…

Riley’s First Steps

Yesterday, as the melody of Entertainment Tonight began, signalling it was 3pm, Riley let go of the fence surrounding our computer and took his first two independent steps! Much to mother’s pleasure…

Mother Blogger Interview #2 – Holly

This week’s featured Mother Blogger interview is Holly from Hollys Corner. I’m sure she hardly needs any introduction to some of you, because Holly is just about the most prolific reader and commentator on blogs you’ll see. Many of the sites I go to, there she is, on the MyBlogLog sidebar as being there before…