Reliving our youth, two dimensional style

Adam loves Keira’s etch-a-sketch more than she does. Last night he doodled this: Me: Oh, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Which one is this?Adam: Uh… (thinks)…I can’t remember.Me: It’s Raphael.Adam: No, I don’t think so…Us simultaneously: Well, it can’t be Michelangelo, because he had nunchuks and he is everybody’s favourite, so that one’s easy.Adam: I think…

Results of the cupcake making

They look nice, don’t they? Except in making these I remembered why I don’t like packet mixes and would rather cook food from scratch. The icing sachet, when it came to making that part, was white, which I thought odd, as it was pink on the packet. So I mixed in the teaspoon of water…

Because if I don’t feel sorry for me, no-one else will….except you. Maybe

“I’m sitting here eating a bowl of premium choc-chip icecream, which I don’t especially want, but it temporarily distracts me from the distresing fact that I’ve just heard Riley cry himself to sleep for the sixth night in a row. He is slowly – very slowly – getting better, but his night time going to…