My run in with the law!
Yesterday, deciding to be crafty, we set out to get some cardboard boxes so Keira could make teddy playhouses or some such. The walk only takes two minutes to get to our local bottle shop; this takes us past our local police station, which is only about a one minute walk away (a fact I…
Thank God You’re Here!…Yeah, I wish
Anyone watch TGYH and think to themselves, “I could do that”. I do–on a good night, at least. For example, last night during Tony “flashman” Martin’s skit, and he was fed the line: “What is your catchphrase again?” I immediately said “Be alert; not alarmed”. ZING! Now, our esteemed governor-general may not think that sleep…
Our favourite books – October 2006
I’ve been meaning to do this list for weeks now: actually, I want to make it a regular feature, but we’ll see how organised I get. So now in no particular order here are some of Keira’s favourite books and authors of the moment. Anthony Browne – especially My Mum and My Dad. Why doesn’t…