Why Looking After Your Skin is Very Important to Me {Giveaway}

My grandmother died from skin cancer. I was quite young, under ten, but that was plenty old enough for impressions and memories to gather for a lifetime: the blemishes on her face and arms, a Lazy Susan on her dining table with several of those ‘7 days to a week’ pill containers to divide medication….

5 Tips For When You Lose Your (Writing) Voice

‘Voice.’ What is it? It’s a common question, one that’s asked a lot when it comes to blogging. With good reason too: one of the first indicators that a blogger is on the right path comes with their sensing, or they’ve been told, that their voice is developing, or even established. They’re making their individual…

MILO Challenge to Assess the Family Diet {Sponsored + Giveaway}

MILO recently approached me with the task to assess a ‘day in the life’ of our eating habits, to examine where we’re going right, and where we might need improvement. In many ways, I’ve done this at what might be considered the best and worst time: we’re coming off the rich, indulgent feasting of Christmas,…