Blogging Resolutions, Goals, and Truth: Revisiting These After A Conference

In an effort to bring some balance back into my blogging ways, I created at the beginning of the year a sort of mantra: ‘Dig Deeper, Move Less Earth‘. From the original post: My ‘I’ is the Karen that wants to dig, yes. But deeper. See a point through; formulate an idea to its end….

To End The Weekend, Something Lovely

With the talents of Neil Finn, Sarah Blasko, Angus and Julia Stone, Katie Noonan, Daniel Johns and many others, I highly recommend this clever promotional video for the Sydney Opera House. I watched it for the first time last night after seeing a lot of talk about it on social media during the week and…

Thrifty Thursday: Savers Challenge for #nnb2011

I had some clothes to take and donate to Savers yesterday. Naturally, I could not resist going inside for a quick look. To justify the excursion I made up a little challenge in my head: “What could I buy for this weekend that would be a) otherwise functional and useful and b) pretty?” This is…