The One It Would Be Safer Not To Say

I’ve sat down a few times over the past few days to try and write what I’m about to write. It’s serious, I’m being serious, but I’ve neither the time, nor the perspective, to prettify this up with well-crafted sentences or sweet phrasing. Some things just need to be blurted out. This will be raw,…

Be Back Soon

photo credit: entelepentele So how do I back up Tuesday’s post (which has become one of my highest hits of the year)? Blogging gurus would have me seizing the day, taking advantage of the opportunity to convert TRAFFIC to SUBSCRIBERS and all the other… stuff. Not me. No, I’ll be pulling back for a while….

Writers vs. Bloggers

Edit: updated here!   Writer 1: Can you believe I haven’t heard back yet about my submission to that journal? Even worse, they ran an article almost exactly the same as my piece in their recent edition! Writer 2: Jerks. Writer 1: I’m sure they took my idea. Their loss – I could’ve written it so…